
How many frog species are found?

Frogs are members of carnivorous group of short-bodied, tailless amphibians. They live in land and water. Frogs can be found in the regions of the tropics to the subarctic and the maximum can be found in the tropical rainforest. There are more than 5,000 types of known frogs, and researchers keep on finding new species. Frog species arrive in various sizes and varieties. They can be tracked down in various natural surroundings on each landmass aside from Antarctica

What is the difference between frogs and toads?

Warty frogs are termed as toads. Therefore, it’s said that all toads are frogs whereas all frogs are not toads. Toads usually live in drier habitats — and have drier, bumpier skin (called warts) and shorter hindlimbs. Toads are bulkier than frogs. Toads are known to travel to all areas of the ponds and lakes including breeding and non-breeding areas.
Toads lean toward sloppy regions however they can reside in lakes and tidal ponds too where they can dive into the territory and safeguard themselves from dryness. This is particularly significant during the dry and dry spell seasons. Additionally, toads can be prodded. These are rear leg edges that assist them with bouncing or holding the females during mating. Toads are for the most part viewed as more earthly. They generally jump around, however they utilize all their four appendages also. Arboreal frogs are much of the time thought about genuine frogs.
Furthermore, frogs rarely crawl but toads do. Frogs lay eggs in clusters but toads lay eggs in long chains. Frogs have webbed feet but toads don't.

Frogs and toads

Are frogs poisonous?

Yes some frogs are poisonous. The golden poison frog contains enough poison to kill 20,000 mice or 10 people. It is probably the most poisonous animal on Earth; it is so toxic that even touching it can be dangerous.

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